Hello and thank you for checking out my portfolio page! Here you may find different samples of my work.
Data Science
Data manipulation: pandas, numpy, tidyverse, json, csv, xml
Data descriptive, visualizations: ggplot2, ggpubr, matplotlib
Models: TensorFlow/Keras, SKlearn, Seaborn plm, lme4
APIs & Cloud solutions: GoogleCloud, VertexAI, OpenAI, BigQuery
- Human performance research
R (ggplot2, igraph, moments, poweRlaw, car, MASS, STAND, EnvStats, pander) - Affective and cognitive sciences research
R (dplyr, stats, forecast, sjPlot, tidyverse, wordcloud2, networkD3, superml, lsa) - Statistical Methods in Research
R (dplyr, ggplot2, GGally, tidyverse, caret, MASS, ggpubr, forecast, tseries, xlsx, XML, car, wordcloud, RColorBrewer, lmtest, plm, lme4, olsrr) - Automatic real-estate email parsing and responding
Python (json, csv, logging, redminelib, openai) - Cybersecurity QA system (MITTR ATTCK QA)
Python (deeplake, vertexai, pandas, sklearn) - TensorFlow / Keras main functionality guide & samples
Python (tensorflow, numpy, matplotlib, pandas) - Embedding distance changes in latest Google models
Python (sklearn, vertexai, numpy, matplotlib)
iOS Development
I have been developing iOS applications for the last 4 years. In addition to application development, I had the honor of co-teaching the ‘Ubiquitous Computing’ class with Dr. Ioannis Pavlidis at the University of Houston. This was one of my favorite classes, and many of my students share this opinion. Here, you can see some highlights of my work, including pet projects, assignments, prototypes, and experiments. Code is available upon request, and some projects are publicly available.
- UIKit / SwiftUI
- list/collection UI rendering
- API calls (including OpenAI integrations)
- files download and parsing
- external databases integration (core data, firebase, SQLite)
- credentials processing
- JSON/XML/Protobuf
- accessibility
- iWatch
Other relevant skills
- Got some experience in web-development
- Figma, Sketch, ColorHunt, Adobe Photoshop and Vegas Pro
2020, ScholarDay
Explore the birthdays of renowned scholars, discover their groundbreaking inventions through interactive links, and enjoy captivating cartoon artwork.
(UIKit, BackgroundTasks, QuickLook, UserNotification)
Idea: Dr. Ioannis Pavlidis
Art: Dr. Ergun Akleman
- Interactive calendar with information and links to the famous scholars
- User notifications about new upcoming events
2021, ColoringGame ✍️🎲
Unleash your creativity with the magic of automatic image-to-layer conversion, allowing you to effortlessly color various regions and bring your pictures to life.
(UIKit, EventKit, MobileCoreServices, simd, PhotosUI)
Idea: Dr. Ioannis Pavlidis
Art: Dr. Ergun Akleman
- Image regions identification and coloring
- Roll back / forward
- Custom colors
- Hide / show borders
2022, iOrator
Your ultimate speech companion with real-time speech detection, volume and pace checks, word and filler word counters, and seamless recording control.
(UIKit, Speech, Foundation, AVFoundation, NaturealLanguage)
- Realtime speech recognition
- ‘Filler’ words detecition
- Word counter / Filler word counter / Pace control
- On-device and remote (Apple servers) speech recognition
2023, HoD
Mini game, dice game variation in GameofThrones universe. Designed as a class exercise. (TabBar, Auto Layout)
- 2 players dice game
- Dragon knowledgebnase
- Score tracking
2020 - 2023, Various study materials 🎓📖
(SwiftUI, UIKit, UIAlertController, UIStackView, MapKit, CLLocationManager, Gesture Recognizer, Local Notifications, Core Image, Core ML, NLP…)